Internet Explorer 11 Hanging Freezing Crashing Stopped Working Error

Internet Explorer 11 Hanging Freezing Crashing Stopped Working Error

Internet Explorer 11 Hanging Freezing Crashing Error
Internet Explorer 11 is a fantastic web browser among all browsers in internet world. According to user’s view it is a valuable and stable browser. Read the guide on Internet Explorer 11 hanging freezing crashing stopped working error. It has extensive features embedded inside it. Apart from this Internet Explorer 11 behaves abnormally. As a result, it hangs, freezes or crashes the normal execution of web pages.

Process to activate ActiveX Controls for Internet Explorer 11

Process to activate ActiveX Controls for Internet Explorer 11

Activate ActiveX Controls for Internet Explorer 11
There are many Applications responsible for normal execution of Computer System. They perform their dedicated work in background so that every initiated process works normally. We browse the web throughout the day. Read to know process to activate ActiveX Controls for Internet Explorer II. We access many websites where we find interactive toolbars, high data content videos and games. We also access contents like stock tickers while browsing the web. These can only be possible by applications running on background. We are talking about ActiveX Control application in this context. 

Fix best drivers for your device are already installed error on Windows 10

Fix best drivers for your device are already installed error on Windows 10

The Computer hardware depends on its drivers to work properly. Each hardware attached in our Computer has its own driver installed. The driver initiates the overall work of the attached hardware. How to fix best drivers for your device are already installed error on Windows 10. These drivers need regular update. If the driver gets outdated you may experience certain working problems. This can be corrected by installing new driver. When we Install the new driver, it shows error on the screen “The best drivers for your device are already installed”.

Settings to Improve Battery Timing While Watching Videos in Windows 10

Watching Movies or Videos is Compulsory on Computer. We love to watch our favourite movies or clips released recently. There are many other video clips available online such as Jokes, News, Advertisement, Games, Cartoons etc. Read the article for Settings to improve battery timing while watching videos in Windows 10.  We use many types of Video Player installed in our system to view video clips like VLC, Window Media Player, Cyber DVD Player etc. Playing videos in power mode does not affect battery connected to it. But when Power is not available, Battery becomes the primary source of Power to the Computer.

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